A six month coaching program
Connection & Belonging
In the Art of Communicating, Thich Nhat Hanh says, “Loneliness is the suffering of our time. Even if we’re surrounded by others, we can feel very alone.” He goes on to point out that we try to fill that loneliness by connecting with others, often through technology, and end up further disconnected from our true selves. What we first must learn to do is to connect with and love ourselves. He refers to connecting with ourselves as a “revolutionary act”.
Allow me to guide you as you embark on this “revolutionary act” to reconnect to yourself and find true love and acceptance for yourself through the process.
“Since meeting with Lucy I have been able to launch my business. Her piercing questions helped me clarify my path and the steps I needed to take to get started. Lucy helped me find my inner confidence.”
Kristen Bramson, small business owner
HEAD, HEART, AND HAND is a concept that teaches connection to self to find strength and balance, utilize one’s own natural gifts, and face one’s deepest fears. I believe this concept to be especially grounding.
Join me on this journey to the center of yourself, we will work together to help you find connection and belonging to yourself. And to discover your true home, your deeper purpose and what you really want for yourself.
Pillar 1: HEAD
Starting with HEAD, we’ll look at how you think about yourself and how to create a deeper connection with yourself. We'll dig into your stories, beliefs, and habits. You’ll start to learn about new mindfulness practices and continue to deepen ones you already have in place.
Pillar 2: HEART
Then we’ll move to HEART, where you’ll look deeply inside yourself and create belonging to yourself. You’ll find your heart center, meet your inner child & higher self. You will do some supported shadow work to understand all aspects of yourself.
Pillar 3: HAND
We’ll end with HAND, where we’ll look at how you accomplish your life's work and purpose. You’ll explore your gifts and learn to trust them, as well as delve into why you're here and what is calling you.
This program and journey IS for people who are looking to make their way home to themselves. This could be you if you…
are looking for connection and belonging in the world
feel lonely and disconnected from yourself
want to feel safe, seen, and heard
know there is more to life than what you’re currently experiencing
want to discover your deepest thoughts, feeling, and desires
looking for more meaning and purpose in your life
want to get re-acquainted with yourself
think you may not know your gifts or would like to develop more trust in them
are open to changing your habits and beliefs
want to bring yourself more fully alive and bring more of yourself to the world
This program and journey is NOT meant for you if…
are unwilling to go deep and explore your innermost thoughts and feelings
can’t or won’t make time for yourself
are looking for easy answers from outside yourself
6 months together…
I’ll be with you every step of the way on this journey. A journey to the center of yourself. You’ll meet and get to know yourself in a way that you never have. A deeper, truer, more trusting way. You’ll shine your light and find your way home to your self.
3 pillars…
During our time together you’ll come to understand the three pillars of Head, Heart, and Hand thru various practices, journal prompts, and suggested content
Private coaching…
We’ll meet on Zoom for 1 on 1 coaching calls, 2 times per month for 75 minutes. This is a questions based coaching process and you can expect journaling and mindfulness exercises, meditations, a occasional homework
A copy of The Art of Communicating…
To kick off our time together I’ll send you a copy of Thich Nhat Hanh’s bestseller, The Art of Communicating. Through this quick and easy read you’ll be introduced to why and how to connect with yourself, with others and with the world.
Journey to the Center of Self Guidebook…
You’ll receive a digital guidebook with journal prompts and exercises to practice and work with in between our sessions. During our sessions we’ll explore your experience of these practices.
Always on email access…
Email me anytime with anything. I’ll get back to you within 2 days at the most. Questions, comments, updates, referrals… whatever you need.
Your monetary investment is $4200
or monthly installments of $700
Your time investment is 2.5 hrs per month with me,
plus practice time
The return on your investment is finding your way home to yourself, and the aligned choices you’ll make for your life and yourself
To find out if this is the right program for you, schedule a free 90 minute call with me.
You’ll experience an hour+ of stand alone coaching and we’ll discuss if the Journey to the Center of Self program is right for you.
“Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; its holy ground. There’s no greater investment”
— Stephen Covey